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What is obesity?

Obesity is an excess of body fat, and is one of the most common health problems in the United States. About one-fourth of all American adults are considered to be obese. Obesity is measured using a scale called a body mass index, or BMI. A BMI greater than 30 is classified as obese. Obesity doesn't affect only adults. Approximately 4.7 million (about 11 percent) of American children aged 6 to 17 are obese, a percentage that has doubled since the 1960s. Obesity can shorten your life and put you at risk of developing a number of conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and some forms of cancer.

Obesity is an excess of body fat, and it's one of the most common health problems in the United States. About one-third of all American adults are considered to be obese. Obesity is measured using a scale called a body mass index, or BMI, which is calculated using your weight and height. A BMI higher than 30 is classified as obese.

Obesity affects both adults and children. Approximately 9 million (about 15%) of American children aged 6 to 17 are obese, a percentage that has doubled since the 1960s.

Obesity can shorten your life and put you at risk of developing a number of conditions, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and some forms of cancer. Many other health risks are higher for people who are obese, and the risks may increase as the degree of obesity increases. People who carry extra weight around their waist, rather than in their legs and thighs, may be more likely to experience health problems caused by obesity.

People become obese for a number of reasons. Often, several of these factors are involved. Some of the most common reasons for obesity are:

Weight reduction is achieved by consuming fewer calories and increasing activity and exercise.

Structured approaches and therapies to reduce weight include:

  • A modified diet :- A reasonable weight loss goal is one to two pounds weekly, which can usually be achieved by eating 500 to 1,000 fewer calories daily. Whether you concentrate on eating less fat or fewer carbohydrates is a matter of personal choice. Fats have more than twice as many calories per ounce than carbohydrates or protein. If you cut out carbohydrates, you still need to limit fat and choose healthy fats, such as monosaturated and polyunsaturated oils.

  • Regular exercise :- U.S. health experts currently recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate physical exercise daily, such as walking. Add more activity during the day by taking the stairs and getting up often from your desk or sofa.

  • Nonprescription diet pills :- In general, over-the-counter diet pills contain ingredients that can increase heart rate and blood pressure. It is not clear how effective they are in producing weight loss that can be maintained over time. Common side effects include feeling jittery and nervous and having heart palpitations. Over-the-counter diet pills containing phenylpropanolamine have been taken off the market because this ingredient is associated with an increased risk of stroke. Diet pills with other ingredients also may elevate blood pressure, and some experts believe they may be associated with an increased risk of stroke.

  • Prescription diet pills :- These include orlistat (Xenical), which decreases the absorption of dietary fat by 30%, amphetamine derivatives, and sibutramine (Meridia). To help you lose weight, your doctor may prescribe medications along with a calorie-restricted diet. However, almost all people regain weight when they stop using these medications. The effects of long-term use of these drugs have not been determined.

  • Surgery :- If obesity is severe (a BMI greater than 40), your doctor may recommend a surgical procedure to limit the amount of food your body can digest. One procedure is called gastroplasty, also known as stomach stapling. A surgeon creates a small pouch in the stomach that allows only limited amounts of food to be eaten at one time.

    Call your doctor if you need help losing weight or if you have any of the symptoms or complications of obesit
Some people are successful at losing weight and keeping it off. Others, however, find it difficult to maintain the weight loss for long. Most patients return to their pretreatment weight within five years.


Treatment of Ganglion Cysts

A ganglion cyst is a sometimes painful lump that develops on the top or underside of the wrist or at the base of a finger. The problem is evaluated and treated by hand specialists in the Department of Orthopedic Surgery.

A ganglion grows out of a joint like a balloon on a stalk. Inside the balloon is thick, slippery fluid similar to that found in joints. The lump often gets bigger with constant, strenuous use of the hand and shrinks at rest. Sometimes the cyst disappears on its own.

Even when small, a ganglion cyst can be quite painful if it presses on nerves. Even if it does not hurt, a large one may be cosmetically unappealing. An X-ray is usually taken to rule out arthritis or a bone tumor. Sometimes an MRI or ultrasound scan is done to find a small ganglion hidden under the skin.

If the cyst is not painful, treatment may consist of nothing more than waiting and watching. A brace or splint may be recommended to immobilize the wrist and reduce swelling. If the cyst is large or painful, fluid may be drained from it with a fine needle after first numbing the skin. However, the cyst and stalk are still there and can refill with fluid.

Surgery may be recommended if the other treatments fail. Surgery is done as an outpatient procedure. During surgery, the cyst, along with a small amount of surrounding tissue, is removed. There may be tenderness, discomfort and swelling at the site following surgery, but normal activities can usually be resumed in two to six weeks. Surgery offers the best chance of removing the ganglion, but the cyst may return.

Joints are lubricated. The lubricant is a very slippery and thick (like syrup) fluid. If the joint capsule (the flexible but tough casing of the joint, like cheeks to the mouth) - if that capsule has a tiny hole in it, the fluid being thick isn't too likely to pour out into the tissues outside the joint. But, under vigorous activity and thus high hydraulic pressure, some will be forced out. The body will recognize the leak and wall it off. But if the wall isn't strong enough, it will inflate like a balloon. That balloon does not have the pressure to drive the thick fluid back into the joint - except very slowly. Sometimes, especially in certain locations where tendons press a certain way, the opening behaves like a one way valve.

These balloons can feel very firm, even hard. Typically they are rubbery. They are called ganglions (just to confuse everybody as the name really makes no sense at all). The most common ones are on the back (hairy side) of the wrists. Baker's Cysts are just ganglions found on the backs of knees. They are occasionally seen at the ankles and even in the fingers.

A simple diagnosis and treatment is to simply hold the joint still. A cast will cure most ganglia by stopping the hydraulics that inflate them. As they shrink, the math of fluid pressure in containers kicks in. The smaller the diameter, the less the wall pressure (has to do with surface area vs. cubic volume ratios). Most ganglia, given the on again-off again activities of kids, will just up and go away during a lull. The more active kids may not get that relief. When casts are used, about four weeks are needed - maybe more. Sometimes you can cut the down time by draining the cyst. But it is hard to totally dry it out with a needle so some immobility helps assure it stays away. Smashing the wrist ganglia with bibles harkens back to the days when the bibles were NOT ILLUSTRATED and were soft covered and light. A current bible can do real damage !

The set up for ganglia is common in young children. Older folks may get them as a result of making too much joint fluid (torn cartilage, or rheumatism). A Baker's cyst bursting can drop a large amount of fluid that must be removed. The chemistry used to remove that fluid inflames and may be misinterpreted as phlebitis. This is rare in kids, though common in adults

Golden tips For Physical & Mental Health

Golden Rules For Physical & Mental Health
For a sound health both psyche and physique should be normal and also in equilibrium. For maintaining physical health, Ayurveda has laid stress on natural urges that should not be suppressed. On the other hand, for perfect mental health, one needs to suppress urges relating to rash behaviour.

Non-Suppressible Urges

Ayurveda identifies thirteen natural urges that should never be suppressed and that can cause grievous repercussions when forcibly ignored.

Suppression of Urine: Suppression of the urge for urination (micturition) causes pain in the bladder and penis. Difficulty in passing urine, headache, lack of muscular strength (atony) of the bladder, urinary stones and inflammation of urinary tract are some of the problems that can occur on regular suppression of urge to urinate for a long period. One should resort to tub bath, massage, nasal drops of ghee along with the three types of enemas (vasti karmas) described in the Ayurvedic texts. A doctor should monitor these treatments.

Suppression of Stool: If one holds the urge for evacuation of the bowels (defecation), it causes abdominal pain, headaches, retention of stools (feces), gas in the digestive tract, cramps in the calf muscles and abdominal distention.
Suppression of Wind: If one suppresses the urge for passing flatus, this causes retention of stool, urine and gas in the digestive tract, abdominal bloating (distention), abdominal pain, heart disease, constipation or diarrhoea, exhaustion and other abdominal diseases due to the vitiation of vaata. In that case, unction, fomentation, suppositories, intake of food and drinks having carminative action and enema are the best.

Suppression of Semen: Just before the time of ejaculation, if semen is suppressed then it may produce stones (spermolith), pain in the penis and testicles, exhaustion, chest pain, retention of urine and difficulty in intercourse. In that case, massage, tub-bath, and a diet of wine, chicken, rice and milk, along with non-greasy enema and sexual intercourse are prescribed.

Suppression of Vomiting: When food is not digested, or any poisonous material gets ingested into the body, the body tries to expel it. If this act is suppressed, then the undigested matter of poisonous material is circulated in the body, thereby producing different types of diseases and conditions like eruption of weal with severe itching (urticaria), giddiness, loss of appetite, black pigmentation of face, oedema, anaemia, fever, skin diseases, nausea and hyperacidity. In such cases, induction of vomiting, dhoomrapaanam (medicated smoke inhalations) fasting, raksta mokshna (blood-letting), non-greasy food and drinks, physical exercise and virechana karma (purgation) are prescribed.

Suppression of Sneezing: This phenomenon is for getting rid of the foreign matter out of the nose thereby clearing the nasal passage. If this is suppressed, the foreign matter in the nose may produce rhinitis and chronic cold, headache, sinusitis and diseases of the respiratory system. Apart from this, due to excessive strain in the neck, face and associated muscles and other structures, ailments like stiff neck, facial paralysis, migraine and weakness of the sense organs are caused. One should massage, do fomentation in the head and neck region and take medicated smoke inhalations along with nasal drops. One should also take food useful for the alleviation of vaata and take ghee after meals.
Suppression of Eructation: This leads to hiccups, breathlessness (dyspnoea), pain in the chest, cough, and loss of appetite (anorexia).

Suppression of Yawning: This leads to diseases of the eyes, throat, ear and nose. Suppression of yawning also causes bending, convulsions, contractions, numbness, tremors and shaking of the body. For the treatment of these ailments, one should use drugs for alleviating vaata.

Suppression of Hunger: Desire to take food is suggestive of requirements of nutrition or some emotional breakdown. By keeping hungry, either nutritional disorders or debility or irritability are produced. By suppressing hunger, one subjects oneself to emaciation, weakness, change in complexion, discomfort (malaise), loss of appetite, and giddiness. One should take unctuous, hot and light food.

Suppression of Thirst: Desire to drink water is suggestive of requirement of the bodily fluid or replacement of fluid loss. Suppression of thirst causes dryness of throat and mouth, deafness, exhaustion, weakness, dehydration and cardiac pain. In that case one should take cold demulcent drinks.

Suppression of Tears: Emotional conditions like pleasure or grief can bring down the tears and if suppressed, eye diseases, rhinitis, mental disorders, pain in chest, giddiness and digestive disorders can take place. Sleep, intake of wine and pleasant conversation are helpful in overcoming this.

Suppression of Respiration: Breathing caused by over-exhaustion should not be suppressed. Sudden holding of breath may cause suffocation, respiratory disorders, heart diseases and even death: Praanaayaama is an important yogic exercise and one should gradually practise this breathing exercise.

Suppression of Sleep: By keeping awake forcefully, the brain, sense organs and the voluntary organs are tired. As a result, diseases like insomnia, mental disorders, digestive disorders and diseases of sense organs are caused. To overcome them, apart from rest and sleep, one has to resort to the regimen prescribed for the alleviatioi of vaata.
Suppressible Urges

A person desirous of his well-being should suppress urges relating to rashness and evil deeds-mentally, orally and physically.
Similarly, a wise person should refrain from urges relating to greed, grief, fear, anger, self-centredness, shamelessness, jealousy, too much of attachment and malaise.

One should also refrain from speaking harshly, backbiting, lying.
Violence or an urge to succumb to physical weaknesses like adultery should be controlled. A person free from all defects relating to mind, speech and physical actions, is indeed happy and begets dharma (virtue), artha (wealth) , and kaama (desire)

Hot water therapy

Of all the natural therapies, the one that has caught the attention of the many is the hot tub therapy. It is popularly known as the hydrotherapy and is believed to be one of the most impeccable ways to improve general health of people.
Apart from treating some common ailments like back pains and joint pains, hypertension or high blood pressure is also known to get cured with the use of hot tubs. Generally, the therapy involving hot tub is used as an assistant treatment to the regular medications that a person suffering from high blood pressure is indulging in.
But the patient is always advised to consult their doctor before trying this therapy to lower their blood pressure. This is because, the therapy initially increases the body’ blood pressure due to increased temperature of the body. Therefore people with high blood pressure should first consult their doctors before using this kind of water therapy.
However, hot water has a very positive effect on your body as it dilates the blood vessels. As the blood vessels dilate, the heart does not have to work hard in pumping blood in the vessels. The lowered activity in the heart provides an over-all relief to the high blood pressure patient. But for some patients such kind of relaxation is not optimal.
The reason because of which the blood vessels dilate when brought in contact with hot water is very simple. When your body comes in touch with hot water, there is reflex that goes to your brain with information that your body temperature has risen from the normal levels. Thus the vessels near the skin, which are in direct touch with the water relaxes and dissipates all heat outside the body. Thus all these developments in the body dilate the vessels. This process in medical terms is known as Vasodilation. In vasodilation more oxygen is transported to all body parts. Oxygen is a very important element for your body as it hastens the process of healing.
Apart from this, the process of vasodilation has another important advantage for the body. It helps the blood in clearing itself from all the waste accumulated in it. With the day in progress, the food you eat and the physical activities that you perform, a lot of waste and harmful chemical substances get deposited in the body. With hot tub treatment and the process of vasodilation, the blood reaches fast to the body parts and thus removes the waste products. This could again help lower your blood pressure.
So talk to your doctor now and find out if hot tubs can help you decrease your blood pressure.

Fish oils in asthma patients

Diet rich in fish may help prevent childhood asthmaSYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. Childhood asthma is now a major health problem in Australia with 31% of West Australian children having been diagnosed with the condition. Chronic inflammation of the airways is also a major problem with 12% of the population reporting wheeze severe enough to disturb sleep. Studies involving Australian school children have shown that those who consume oily fish more than once a week have a significantly reduced risk of asthma.
Australian researchers now suggest that the epidemic of childhood asthma is associated with a change in the omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio in the Australian diet. It used to be around 5:1, but is now 15:1 or higher. They recently concluded a study of 355 school children of which 166 had been diagnosed with asthma at 6 years of age and the remaining 169 acted as asthma-free controls. A comparison of the two groups showed that the significant risk factors for asthma were:
Gestational age less than 37 months (OR=2.93)
Maternal asthma (OR=6.13)
Breastfeeding for less than 6 months (OR=2.25)
A high omega-6/omega-3 ratio in the diet (OR=1.93)
After adjustment for other known risk factors the risk of asthma was 2.89 times higher among children with an average dietary omega-6/omega-3 ratio of 18 than among children with a ratio of 8. The researchers believe that the benefits of a diet high in omega-3 fatty acids are due to the inclusion of more EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), the two main components of fish oil.Oddy, W.H., et al. Ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acids and childhood asthma. Journal of Asthma, Vol. 41, No. 3, 2005, pp. 319-26
Fish oil benefits children with bronchial asthmaTOKYO, JAPAN. It is now clear that inflammation of the airways is an important factor in asthma. Thus, it would make sense that supplementation with a natural anti-inflammatory could benefit children with the disease. The two main components of fish oil, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), inhibit the formation of leukotrienes and prostaglandins from arachidonic acid and omega-6 fatty acids and thus reduce the generation of cytokines from inflammatory cells.
Japanese researchers now report that supplementation with fish oil does indeed reduce asthma symptoms in children with long-term bronchial asthma. Their study involved 29 children between the ages of 8 and 14 years who had suffered from asthma for an average of 10 years and were hospitalized for the condition. The children were randomized to receive fish oil capsules or placebo capsules (olive oil) three times daily for a 10-month period. The amount of fish oil given to the children varied from 2.4 grams/day (500 mg EPA + 215 mg DHA) to 4.8 grams/day (1000 mg EPA + 430 mg DHA) depending on body weight. After 10 months of therapy the asthma score (a measure of the severity and frequency of attacks) had dropped from an average of 21 to an average of 6 in the fish oil group with no significant change in the placebo group. The sensitivity to acetylcholine inhalation (a promoter of attacks) also decreased significantly in the fish oil group, but no change was observed in the placebo group.
The researchers conclude that fish oil supplementation for 10 months decreases asthma scores and increases acetylcholine thresholds in children with bronchial asthma. They do add that the conditions of their trial included a strictly controlled environment in terms of diet and the presence of inhalant allergens.Nagakura, T., et al. Dietary supplementation with fish oil rich in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in children with bronchial asthma. European Respiratory Journal, Vol. 16, No. 5, November 2000, pp. 861-65
Fish oils help asthma patientsLARAMIE, WYOMING. Asthma is an increasingly common affliction in the Western world. It is estimated that between 20 and 25 per cent of all children suffer from one or more symptoms of asthma at some point. There is evidence that a high dietary intake of linoleic acid (n-6 PUFA) may exacerbate asthma symptoms. Linoleic acid is found in particularly high concentrations in vegetable oils such as safflower, sunflower, and corn oils. Researchers at the University of Wyoming now report that adjusting the dietary intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) may be effective in reducing asthma symptoms in many patients. Their experiment involved 26 non-smoking asthma-sufferers aged 19 to 25 years. The normal dietary intake of n-6 PUFA was determined for all participants at the start of the study and after one month. For the first month participants were given fish oil capsules containing enough EPA and DHA to adjust their intake ratio of n-3 PUFAs (fish oils) to n-6 PUFAs to 0.1:1. During the second month the participants had their n-3 PUFA to n-6 PUFA ratio adjusted to 0.5:1. The average fish oil intake required to produce the 0.5:1 ratio was 3.3 grams per day. Extensive testing showed that more than 40 per cent of the participants experienced a significant improvement in their breathing ability and better resistance to asthma attacks while on the high fish oil diet. The researchers conclude that dietary supplementation with fish oils or other enriched sources of n-3 PUFAs may be a viable therapy for asthma.Broughton, K. Shane, et al. Reduced asthma symptoms with n-3 fatty acid ingestion are related to 5- series leukotriene production. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 65, April 1997, pp. 1011- 17
Oily fish protects against childhood asthmaSYDNEY, AUSTRALIA. Researchers at the University of Sydney report that the regular consumption of oily fish is associated with a much reduced risk of developing asthma in childhood. Their study involved 574 children aged 8 to 11 years. The children's parents completed detailed questionnaires about the frequency of the intake of more than 200 foods for a one-year period. The children were evaluated for current asthma as defined by airway hyperresponsiveness and a tendency to wheeze with or without exercise. The researchers found that children who regularly consumed fresh, oily fish (such as mullet, orange roughy, Atlantic salmon or rainbow trout which contains more than two per cent fat) had a four times lower risk of developing asthma than did children who rarely or never ate oily fish. The risk reduction persisted even after adjustment for other risk factors such as parental asthma and smoking, early respiratory infections, race, and place of birth. Consumption of non-oily fish and canned fish was not associated with a reduced asthma risk. Fish oil contains the two omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The researchers speculate that EPA may prevent the development of asthma or reduce its severity by reducing airway inflammation and responsiveness. A very recent study suggests that long-term fish oil supplementation may reduce asthma severity.Hodge, Linda, et al. Consumption of oily fish and childhood asthma risk. Medical Journal of Australia, Vol. 164, February 5, 1996, pp. 137-40
Hyperactive children lack essential fatty acidsWEST LAFAYETTE, INDIANA. Children suffering from attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are inattentive, impulsive, and hyperactive. Researchers at Purdue University now report that hyperactive children have lower levels of key fatty acids in their blood than do normal children. Their experiment involved 53 boys aged 6 to 12 years of age who suffered from ADHD, but were otherwise healthy and 43 matched controls. Analyses showed that the boys with ADHD had significantly lower levels of arachidonic, eicosapentaenoic, and docosahexaenoic acids in their blood. The hyperactive children suffered more from symptoms associated with essential fatty acid deficiency (thirst, frequent urination, and dry hair and skin) and were also much more likely to have asthma and to have had many ear infections. The researchers conclude that ADHD may be linked to a low intake of omega-3 fatty acids (linolenic, eicosapentaenoic, and docosahexaenoic acids) or a poorer ability to convert 18-carbon fatty acids to longer more highly unsaturated acids. The researchers conclude that supplementation with the missing fatty acids may be a useful treatment for hyperactivity.Stevens, Laura J., et al. Essential fatty acid metabolism in boys with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, Vol. 62, No. 4, October 1995, pp. 761-68
Fish oils improve lung function in asthma patientsPARIS, FRANCE. Asthma involves an inflammation of the airway (pharynx, larynx and lungs). Epidemiological studies have shown that populations with a high intake of fish oils have a lower incidence of inflammatory diseases such as asthma. French researchers have completed a small trial to see if oral fish oil supplementation would benefit asthma patients. A total of 12 allergic asthmatic patients who were routinely receiving inhaled salbutamol, steroid and sodium nedocromil therapy participated in the one- year randomized, double-blind trial. Half the patients received 1 gram of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) daily; the other half received a placebo. Participants were evaluated every month and lung function tests performed every three months. A significant improvement in lung function was observed among the patients in the fish oil group. Forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) increased by 23% after 9 months of supplementation. The researchers point out that the treatment was well-tolerated and urge large-scale, long-term trials to confirm their findings. Dry, J. and Vincent, D. Effect of a fish oil diet on asthma: results of a 1-year double-blind study. Int Arch Allergy Appl Immunol, Vol. 95, 1991, pp. 156-57

Ayurvedic Mental Therapy

Though metals, minerals, gems and jewels are used in the Ayurvedic system of medicine since the Vedic times, it is only in the post-Buddhist period that these have been extensively used in treating various health problems. Several Buddhist saints, like Siddha Nagarjuna, have carried out research on metallic medicine.

According to Ayurvedic treatises, there are seven dhaatus (metals)-gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, lead and zinc-which are essential elements of the body. Perfect health is attributed to the state of equilibrium of these dhaatus in body tissues. Any imbalance ­ excess or deficiency-disturbs the functioning of the body.


Gold is present in trace amounts in blood, semen, eyes, upper layer of skin and intestines. Imbalance affects vision, causes general weakness in the body, dullness of intellect, loss of imaginative power, voice and general complexion of an individual.


Silver is present in the bone marrow, upper layer of bones, gall bladder, pancreas, inner layers of the skin, lungs, muscles, blood vessels, meninges (the membranes investing the spinal cord and brain), and septum of nose. Imbalance leads to neurological disturbances, problems related to teeth, cataract sores and absorption from gut.


Copper is present in the upper and inner layers of skin, mucosa of soft tissue, large glands, pupil of the eye, hair, pleura and pericardium. Imbalance causes defects in cardiovascular, central nervous and skeletal systems. Deficiency affects production of red blood cells and hair keratinisation. Imbalance causes chronic inflammatory disorders in soft tissues.


Iron is the major constituent of blood, present in the villi of the intestine, pupit hair and in small quantity in all tissues of the body. Imbalance causes arteriosclerosis, anaemia and general debility.


Lead is present in blood and lymphatic tissues. Imbalance causes anaemia, disturbance in gastrointestinal tract due to poor secretion of digestive juices, haemolytic anaemia and ascites.


Tin is present in every tissue. However, it is found more in abdominal muscles, blood and blood vessels, synovial membranes lining the capsule of joints, outer layer of uterus. Imbalance causes malformation in bones, diseases of reproductive tract, affects formation of urine, polyurea and increased perspiration.


Zinc is present in blood, brain, nerve tissue and muscles. Imbalance causes problems related to nervous system like depression, anxiety, dullness of intellect, extreme forgetfulness and irritable temperament.

Every mineral or metal in its native form is basically a biological product and Ayurveda has a way of converting the minerals into a biological form, which can be easily assimilated into the body. There is enough evidence of experiments being conducted on such mineral medicines and they have also been proved to be beneficial.

According to Ayurveda, swarna bhasma, the calcined powder of gold acts as an antacid, haematenic and alternative. It is useful in tuberculosis, diabetes, anaemia, oedema, epilepsy, skin diseases, general debility, asthma and heart afflictions. Gold is believed to be a wonderful tonic for the nervous system. It is an antidote to poisons, particularly those of bacterial origin. In loss of appetite, cough, asthma, anaemia etc., swarna bhasma can be used as a tonic with adjutants like dried ginger, long-pepper and black-pepper powders. For chronic fever, swarna bhasma in combination with abhraka bhasma can be taken along with honey. Swarna bhasma can be taken with aamla juice in heart diseases; with milk to promote strength and energy; with ghee as an alternative; with padmakesar choorna to improve complexion; with butter, sugar and honey for tuberculosis; with sugar for burning sensation in lower and upper extremities, with vidarikand as an aphrodisiac.

Roupya bhasma, the calcined powder of silver, according to Ayurveda, works as a sedative and aphrodisiac. It gives fair complexion to skin and gives strength to the body. Can be used to cure excessive heat, impotence, seminal weakness. Also used in painful and irritable conditions of stomach. It is also effective in treating leucorrhoea and menorrhagia, arthritis and general debility. Taamra bhasma, the calcined powder of copper is an astringent, sedative, antispasmodic, prescribed in liver disorders, dysentery, anaemia, plague, worms, skin diseases, gonorrhoea and dyspepsia. Calcined powder of iron is called as Ioha bhasma. It is haematenic and restorative, prescribed in anaemia, disorders of liver and spleen, jaundice, oedema and general debility. Naaga bhasma, the calcined powder of lead is prescribed in diarrhoea, tumours, haemorrhoids and diabetes.

Vanga bhasma, the powder of tin, is prominently used in the diseases of genito-urinary organs and in cases of premature ejaculation in men and dysmenorrhoea, menorrhagia and infertility in women. It is also used to treat stapylococcal infection in treatment of boils and skin diseases. It is a proven anthelmintic . Yasad bhasma, the powder of zinc is an alterative, diuretic, hypoglycaemic and astringent.


A fistula is formed when an artery is joined to a vein. This is done under the skin, usually at the wrist or elbow. A fistula requires a minor surgical operation, performed under local or general anesthetic.

Since blood pressure in arteries is higher than in veins, when a fistula is formed the vein enlarges. It usually takes about 6 weeks from the operation for the fistula to "Mature" that is, to grow and strengthen. It is then ready to be used for dialysis.

When the fistula is mature, the arm in which it is formed can be used as usual, although patients should protect the arm with the fistula from knocks and pressure so as to keep it in good working order.

Specifically, patients should avoid :

  • Wearing tight clothing or a wristwatch on the arm with the fistula

  • Having blood pressure taken on the arm with the fistula

  • Having blood samples taken from the arm with the fistula (except during haemodialysis treatment, or with the renal unit's approval)

  • Sleeping on the fistula arm.

  • Carrying heavy shopping bags on the fistula arm

Patients should check that the fistula is working every day -they are shown how to do this- and advise the renal unit immediately if they are worried that the fistula may not be working.

Some patients particularly children or those with diabetes have blood vessels that are not strong enough for a fistula, and will need a permanent catheter for haemodialysis access. (A mature fistula ready for dialysis. Two needles are inserted into the fistula for each dialysis session )

Dental Diseases

The least damaging and most conservative way of making your teeth lighter is with the use of a whitening solution. Contrary to what you might think, brushing your teeth harder with an abrasive toothpaste will not make your teeth whiter, but rather may darken them faster. The tooth-whitening concept has been around for many years, and the techniques have become easier and less expensive to accomplish. Tooth whitening was noted in the dental literature in the 1920s. The technique has become easier and the cost has decreased. Today, there are two convenient methods to whiten dark teeth: At-Home Whitening and In-Office Whitening.

Why Do Teeth Get Yellow ?

The intrinsic (normal) color of your teeth is related to the color and thickness of the enamel and dentin, as well as the types of foods and liquids you ingest. The thinner the enamel, the darker the underlying dentin; the more coffee, tea, cola beverages, and red wine you drink, the darker your teeth will be. Cracks that are commonly found in the enamel of your teeth may provide a pathway for discoloring fluids to reach the underlying dentin.

If you have a yellow, brown, or orange shade to your teeth, in most cases it can be made lighter by the whitening procedure. Whitening works very well in removing age-related darkening of your teeth. This age-related darkening is most likely due to years of drinking the darkening beverages, or other environmental factors, rather than genetics. No drilling or anesthesia is required for whitening. Your teeth will not become weaker. Because the mineralization of teeth varies so much from person to person, there is no way to determine how many office visits it will take to effect the color change or how white the teeth will get. The darker your teeth are, the more time required for the change and the more distinctive the color change will be.

The whitening procedure will also work to a lesser degree on teeth with tetracycline discoloration. We have seen several fair to good results from both in-office and at-home whitening. It does take more time to achieve good results on this type of stain, and unfortunately, sometimes the change is minor.

IN-Office Power Whitening

Front teeth, the 6 to 10 teeth most easily seen when you talk or smile, are the teeth that can benefit most from an in-office “Power” tooth whitening. Just as with back teeth, if there are medium- to large-sized fillings in the teeth, it is probably better if these teeth were protected with crowns. The in-office power whitening procedure is one of the most conservative and least expensive methods to attempt to lighten tooth color back to a more acceptable appearance. The procedure involves isolating the teeth to be whitened and protecting the gum tissues and lips. A whitening solution is then mixed and applied to the teeth. The type of application and number of appointments depends on the type of whitening system we believe will be best in your situation.

Most patients show great improvement after only one treatment. Since the protective biofilm that normally covers the tooth enamel is removed during the whitening procedure, you should avoid smoking and drinking pigmented liquids (coffee, tea, red wine) for about 24 hours after the whitening is completed. After 24 hours, the biofilm is usually back in place. The final color will usually regress one shade in the first 1 to 3 months, with most of the change coming in the first week. Some teeth may need a second appointment (or a combination of in-office and at-home tray system whitening) to achieve the desired result. The degree of whitening for any tooth is variable and impossible to predict. However, recent studies show that 97% of all patients who whiten their teeth are happy with the result. The color change should be satisfactory for 3 to 7 years.

If you have dental restorations (crowns, bonding), the plastics and porcelain will not change color. You may need to have some of those fillings redone once your teeth are lightened. We will let you know whether you can expect to have some fillings replaced due to the color change. If you are going to have fillings replaced, you should wait at least 2 weeks after the whitening is completed for the tooth color to stabilize before new restorations are placed. Some postoperative sensitivity is possible, but it usually disappears quickly. The tooth enamel or dentin is not damaged by the whitening process.

At Home Whitening involves using a soft, thin, comfortable mouthguard-like tray. An impression is made of your teeth, and custom whitening trays are fabricated. Then at home, you place the whitening solution in the trays and wear them for an hour or two each day or sleep with them in place all night. With in-office whitening, you come to the office for 1 or 2 hours, and a stronger whitening solution is applied by us and activated for that time. Usually only one visit is required.

The color change should last for 3 to 7 years in most people. The color change you see immediately after the whitening is completed will regress one shade over the course of 1 to 3 months, with most of the change taking place in the first week. If you drink a lot of coffee, tea, cola beverages, red wine, or if you smoke, the teeth may begin to turn darker again. When this happens, the whitening process can be repeated.

Treatment :

  1. Non-Surgical Treatment involves scaling and polishing of teeth. The effectiveness of the procedure depends largely on the stage of the disease, the efficiency of instrumentation and the maintenance on the part of the patient.

  2. The Surgical Approach to treatment is usually recommended for cases where complete removal of the irritants from root surface of the tooth is not possible. It involves reflection of the gums by 1-1 1/2 mm and debriding the area under direct vision. The procedure is called flap surgery and is performed under local anaesthesia.

Dengue Fever

Ayurvedic Name: Dandak Jwara

Other Names: Dandy fever, Three-day fever, Breakbone fever.

What's is a Dengue Fever?

Dengue fever is a disease caused by one of a number of viruses. These viruses are spread by the bite of mosquitoes and are transmitted to the human body. The disease is very common in tropical and subtropical areas of the world (including some islands in the Caribbean, Mexico, most countries of South and Central America, the Pacific, Asia and parts of tropical Africa). In these locations, the dengue fever arbovirus is endemic, meaning that the dengue fever virus naturally and consistently lives in that location and the virus are not carried by mosquitoes.

Who gets Dengue Fever?

Dengue fever can occur to people of all ages. Children usually have a milder disease than adults.

What's are the causes of Dengue Fever ?

When a mosquito carrying dengue fever virus bites a healthy human, the virus travels in the blood stream and then starts multiplying itself in the whole body. Dengue fever is not contagious, which means one person cannot pass it directly to another.

Dengue fever is also a type of arbovirus, which is short for arthropod-borne virus. The main virus causing dengue fever is carried by a mosquito named "Aedes aegypti" which transmits the virus to humans through its bite. An organism that carries a disease, without actually developing the disease itself, is called a vector. Aedes aegypti works as a vector for transmitting the disease.

An another cause for dengue fever is a virus name flaviviruses. More than 100 million cases of dengue fever occur every year in a whole world. A little bit percent of these develop into dengue hemorrhagic fever. It is possible for a traveler who has returned to the United States to pass the infection to someone who has not traveled. Risk factors for dengue hemorrhagic fever include having antibodies to dengue virus from prior infection and being younger than 12, female, or Caucasian.

What's are the symptoms of Dengue Fever?

The symptoms of dengue fever are generally seen in around three days after transition of virus to humans through mosquitoes bite and after that patient starts feeling very weak. Dengue fever, however, is not a fatal disease.

Dengue fever may vary on an individual basis for each patient. One should always remember before looking for treatment that over-medication in dengue fever is likely to lead to further complications and some times it may also turn slight serious. A mild attack of the fever may pass off without having to administer any medicine.

Some of the main symptoms of dengue fever are listed below:

Dengue fever usually starts suddenly with a rapidly climbing high fever, that's why the temperature in dengue fever is called a 'saddleback' type temperature.
severe headaches.
Retro-orbital pain behind the eye.
nausea & vomiting.
loss of appetite.
Rashes develop on the feet or legs 3 to 4 days after the beginning of the fever.
Swelling and pain in muscles and joints.
The joint pain in the body has given dengue fever the name that is "breakbone fever".The common symptoms of dengue fever may go in around 10 days, but complete recovery from dengue fever can take more than a month.

Herbal Treatments for Dengue Fever

There is no specific treatment for the treatment of classical dengue fever, and like most people you will also recover completely within 2 weeks. For severe dengue symptoms, including shock and coma, early and aggressive emergency treatment with fluid and electrolyte replacement can be lifesaving.

Some treatment options that may enhance the curing of classical dengue fever are listed:

1) Mix 360 mg of Shunthi Churna with 125 mg of Hinguleshwar and now take this mixture at least 4 times daily, you may take with tea or hot water. If case the temperature of the patient rises beyond 104°F (40°C), then you may apply cold pad, on the forehead till the temperature subsides.

2) Another ayurvedic medicine used for treatment of dengue fever is tulsi (holy basil). Medicinal properties of tulsi are very useful in ayurvedic therapy. The leaves of tulsi are used to produce soothing effect on the nervous system. Tulsi leaves strengthen the stomach and induce copious perspiration.

Gastritis - Ayurvedic And Herbal Treatment

What is a Gastritis ?

Gastritis means inflammation of mucus lining of the stomach. It means that white blood cells move into the wall of the stomach as a response to some type of injury. Gastritis is a very troublesome disease and can give rise to many life threatening problems, if it is not treated in time.
Let me tell you - do not confuse that if gastritis is there then ulcer or cancer is also there. If a person does excessive smoking then he may get Chronic gastritis.

What are the symptoms of gastritis ?

Gastritis is not just one disease but it is a group of conditions, in which there is a inflammation of the lining of your stomach. Mostly, this inflammation is a result of infection from the same bacteria which causes all other stomach ulcers. Yet there are other factors causing gastritis - including traumatic injury and regular use of certain drugs or anti-inflammatory medicines.
The symptoms of gastritis depend on how acute it is and how long it has been there. In acute phase there may be pain or gnawing (constant chewing) in the upper abdomen while in chronic phase, there may be slight pain.
Some of the main symptoms of gastritis are listed below:
Abdominal pain.
Burning feeling in stomach.
Feeling of fullness.
Loss of appetite.
Some Rare Symptoms may be:
Gastrointestinal bleeding.
Sometimes blood may come in vomit.
Sometimes blood is also encountered in stool.
Black stool.
If you see any of the above rare symptom then you must see a doctor.

What are the causes of gastritis ?

Gastritis may be caused by many factors, including infection, injury, and disorders of the immune system.

Some of the main causes of gastritis are listed below:

The main cause of gastritis is from the presence of a bacterium called Helicobacter Pylori , which is the same bug that causes peptic ulcers.
Another main cause for gastritis is irregular or excessive eating - as it is a very common habit of people that they do overeating, eating wrong food combinations or improperly cooked foods, eating lot of spicy food.
Bacterial or viral infection (infection by a virus is contagious).
Use of drugs such as Aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, cortisone.
Worry, anxiety, grief, and prolonged tension.
Excessive intake of alcohol may lead to gastritis.
Strong acids, and caustic substances are also a cause for gastritis.
Sometimes gastritis develops after major surgery, traumatic injury, burns. Gatritis can also be caused as a result of certain diseases and infections, like:
Pernicious anemia.
Autoimmune digestive disorders.
Chronic bile reflux can cause gastritis as well.
Scherichia coli infection.
Toxins of uraemia.
Food poisoning.
Peptic ulcer disease.
Crohn's disease.

Ayurvedic Treatment for Gastritis

In case of gastritis,you may take the following treatments :
One or two TSP of Sukumara Ghrita may mix with a cup of milk.
1 gm of dhatri lauha may give with juice of Amalaki,
You may take TSPs of a vipathikar Churna with waterat nigh daily.

Some Herbs Helpful for treatment of Gastritis

English mallow.
Ginger (Zingiber officinale).
Meadowsweet (leaves and flowers).
Amla (Indian Goosbery).
Slippery Elm - Before meals, take up to 5 grams of powdered bark in capsules or mixed with water.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra).

Chicken Pox

Ayurvedic Name: Laghu Masurika

Medical Name : Varicella

What is the Chicken Pox?

Chicken Pox is the commonly known name for varicella disease. Chickenpox is an acute contagious disease. Chicken Pox is very common in children mainly of age group between 1 to 10 years. Often it is mistaken for measles due to its apparent. It is a viral disease. You may identify the disease with fever. The virus even after the cure of disease remains hidden in the body and can later again cause disease such as shingles.

What are the causes of chicken Pox ?

Chicken Pox may caused by at least two factors:
1) Contact irritation,

2) Local skin infection due to overgrowth of various bacteria.

Chickenpox is mainly caused by the varicella-zoster virus. It is also known as human herpes virus 3. Causes of chickenpox usually not apparent but may be associated with hunger, swallowed air, overfeeding, and foods with high carbohydrate content.

Other Causes of chickenpox, may include:

You may have a Sensitive skin.
You may have used a Strong soap or taken a long bubble bath.
Long Illnesses.
Changes in diet such as weaning or changing from breast milk to formula.

What are the symptoms of chicken Pox?

Chicken pox mainly starts with slight feverishness and pain in the back and legs. Within 24 hours of its onset small red papules appear on the back and chest and sometimes on the forehead too. After that pimples turn into vesicles but within a day or two, these vesicles dry up with a brown crust appearing on them. You may see eruptions also after some days.

The symptoms which usually occur before 24 to 48 of appearing of spots on the body, are given below:

The person has runny nose/stuffy nose.
Slight cough is accounted.
Decrease in Appetite
Sometimes severe headache also starts.
The person may feel very tired.

The following symptoms may occur after 10 to 21 days of appearing of chicken pox. They may appear in the following order:

Mild low grade fever with cold-like symptoms.
Rash, mostly on trunk or covered areas of the body.
Fluid-filled blisters.

Chicken pox is so common disease that already 80% of adults have already have it. It is still more common in children. Nowadays a new vaccine has been discovered for the treatment of chicken pox and which I think will be made mandatory at some time in the near future.

What are the treatments of chicken Pox ?

Available Medicines & Prescriptions of chickenpox are given below :

1) Swarnamakshika Bhasma - 120 mg of Swarnamaksnika Bhasma to he taken morning and evening with decoction of Kanchnar tree bark.
2) Eladyarishta - 20 ml of Eladyarishta to he taken after meals with water.
3) During the 2nd week, you may take 125mg of Indukala vati with water in the morning and evening.

What are the home remedies of chicken Pox ?

Haridra powder one grain may be given with juice of Karela leaves, two times in a day mainly at noon and in the evening.