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Herbs for Asthma (Swas Rog)

Facts about Asthma

Nowadays very commonly we come across patients of asthma seeking Ayurvedic treatment and advice This is because of the versatile approach of Ayurveda to root cause of the problem and it's belief in preventing the disease rather than treating it.

Risk factors

According to the World Health Organization, the strongest risk factor for developing asthma, besides a family history of asthma, is exposure, especially in infancy, to indoor allergens such as dust mites, cats, pollen, indoor molds, and cockroaches. Exposure to tobacco smoke and chemical irritants in the workplace also put people at risk for asthma, as do certain drugs (specifically aspirin and other non-steroid anti-inflammatory drugs), low birth weight, respiratory infection, and possibly breathing city air. Cold air, extreme emotional expression, and physical exercise can also exacerbate asthma.

The increase in the use of air conditioners may be a contributing to the rise of asthma. It has been suggested that air conditioners exacerbate the condition by spreading dust into carpets in rooms where the windows remain closed. In addition, when the tubes of central air conditioners are dirty, they may spread the disease.

Coping with all the stresses of modern day life and also eating of the wrong foods at the wrong time.

Main dietary Causes

  1. Excessive intake of beans ,black grams, raw milk, sour yogurt or curd, excess salt, animal meat and fish or sea food.

  2. Excessive use of 'Ruksha'(dry) and 'Guru'(heavy) diet, excessive use of cold water and cold drinks.

  3. Excessive use of 'Abhishandi' (Kapha producing) diet, Excessive use of not easily digestible and irritant foods.

  4. Excessive exposure to dust and smoke. Excessive wind, cold, cold bath or excessive heat, sun bath. Heavy exhaustive exercise, walking, excessive sexual activities. Supression of natural urges. Also psychological factors.

  5. Injury or Trauma to vital organs viz. chest, throat Asthma may be as a result of other related diseases like fever, long standing common cold, tuberculosis , anaemia, heart disease, poisoning etc.


Sudden episodes of wheezing at night or early in the morning. Wheezing in response to cold air, or during or after exercising, frequent coughing, or experience shortness of breath while doing exercise or walking. While breathing the skin between the ribs gets pulled in. These are the symptoms of asthma for which one needs to go to the physician. Some of the emergency symptoms include extreme difficulty breathing, having your face or lips turn blue, severe anxiety, rapid pulse, sweating, and severe drowsiness or confusion during an asthma attack. For such symptoms immediate medical attention should be seeked.Nasal flaring, chest pain or tightness, an abnormal breathing pattern (breathing out takes more than twice as long as breathing in), a temporary lapse in breathing, or coughing up blood are some other symptoms that may be associated with asthma.Precaution: As per example, if your symptoms are brought on only by physical exertion, you may have exercise-induced asthma. Rather than avoiding exercise—which offers many benefits—make sure to warm up and cool down properly before beginning and after ending an exercise session. You also may be better off choosing sports and activities that involve short bursts of exercise, such as tennis and football, rather than duration sports such as long-distance running. Breathing through a scarf or your nose on cold days helps warm the airways. And limiting dietary salt appears to help some people with this condition. If your trigger is an allergen, or several allergens, try to limit your exposure to these things.

Asthma is a disease of the immune system.

In an asthmatic, the immune system overreacts to the presence of an external agent and ends up doing more harm than good. The bronchial tubes (which connect the throat to the lungs) become inflamed, produce excessive mucous, and also may constrict by muscular spasm. As a result, the person feels like drowning for lack of air, which is in fact the case. It is a nasty, debilitating disease.
According to Ayurveda causing obstruction in the 'Pranavaha srotasa'(Respiratory passage). This results in gasping and laboured breathing. This condition is known as 'Swas Roga'


Five types of 'Swas Roga' are described in Ayurvedic texts Maha-shwas, Urdhva-shwas, Chinna-shwas, Tamak-shwas, Kshudra-shwas Among these five types first three are not curable. 'Tamak-shwas is yapya' (Controllable) and is difficult to cure. The last one is curable. More than 75% of the cases belong to last two catagories.

Do’s and Dont’s

1. Try to avoid cold and damp places.

2. Daily, go for morning or evening walk, do yoga mainly 'Pranayama'
3. Avoid overeating. Take light dinner one hour before going to bed
4. Say no to smoking, tobacco chewing, alcoholic and drinks flavored with artificial sweeteners and flavors.
5. Keep all the rooms well ventilated. Avoid air conditioners, coolers and direct air of fans.
6. Avoid perfumes, Agarbatti. Mosquito repellents, other irritant substances
7. Drink boiled water in plenty preferable with a piece of ginger boiled in the water.
8. Avoid over exercise and over indulgence in sex.


During attacks

Apply warm 'til tail' over chest and back . Apply fomentation

Take 'sunth powder'1/4 tea spoon,'kali mirch' 6 seeds,'kala namak 1/4 teaspoon+ 5 leaves of 'Tulsi' Boil this mixture in 200 ml water reducing it to 50 ml. Filter and sip it.
Ayurvedic medicines are very safe and cure the problem to a great extent. Few common medicines are - Swaskuthar ras, Sitopaladi choorna, Vasavleha etc.
Treatment in between Attacks - 'Rasayan -chikitsa is advocated for'Pranvaha shrotasa'(Respiratory system). For example -.'

Lung Tonic - Make paste of Black resin,dates, long pippali and honey,in equal quantity.Take one teaspoonful of it morning and evening with warm milk.

Before rainy season 'Vardhaman pippali prayog”- please ask the physician and do this “prayog” under the pysician’s advice.

Some Home Remedies :

  • Take seven piper longum, express the juice from seven garlic. Mix 10 to 15 drops in warm water and take internally for asthma relief.

  • Mix, onion juice ¼ cup, honey 1 tablespoon and black pepper 1/8 tablespoon.
  • Mix licorice and ginger together. Take ½ tablespoon in 1 cup of water for relief from asthma.

  • Drink a glass of 2/3 carrot juice, 1/3 spinach juice, 3 times a day .
  • Add 30-40 leaves of Basil in a liter of water, strain the leaves and drink the water throughout the day effective for asthma.

Jaundice, Types of Jaundice, Symptoms and Diagnosis, Treatments


A common condition in newborns, jaundice refers to the yellow color of the skin and whites of the eyes caused by excess bilirubin in the blood. Bilirubin is produced by the normal breakdown of red blood cells.

Normally bilirubin passes through the liver and is excreted as bile through the intestines. Jaundice occurs when bilirubin builds up faster than a newborn's liver can break it down and pass it from the body.

Reasons for this include
A newborn baby's still-developing liver may not yet be able to remove adequate bilirubin from the blood.

More bilirubin is being made than the infant's liver can handle.

Too large an amount of bilirubin is reabsorbed from the intestines before the baby gets rid of it in the stool.

High levels of bilirubin - usually above 20 mg - can cause deafness, cerebral palsy, or brain damage in some babies. In rare cases, jaundice may indicate the presence of hepatitis. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that all infants should be examined for jaundice within a few days after being born.

Types of Jaundice

There are several types of newborn jaundice.The following are the most common.

Physiological (normal) jaundice: Occurring in more than 50% of newborns, this jaundice is due to the immaturity of the baby's liver, which leads to a slow processing of bilirubin. It generally appears at 2 to 4 days of age and disappears by 1 to 2 weeks of age.

Jaundice of prematurity: This occurs frequently in premature babies since they take longer to adjust to excreting bilirubin effectively.

Breast milk jaundice: In 1% to 2% of breastfed babies, jaundice can be caused by substances produced in their mother's breast milk that can cause the bilirubin level to rise above 20 mg. These substances can prevent the excretion of bilirubin through the intestines. It starts at 4 to 7 days and normally lasts from 3 to 10 weeks.

Blood group incompatibility (Rh or ABO problems): If a baby has a different blood type than the mother, the mother might produce antibodies that destroy the infant's red blood cells. This creates a sudden buildup of bilirubin in the baby's blood. Incompatibility jaundice usually begins during the first day of life. Rh problems once caused the most severe form of jaundice, but now can be prevented with an injection of Rh immune globulin to the mother within 72 hours after delivery, which prevents her from forming antibodies that might endanger any subsequent babies.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

Jaundice usually appears around the second or third day of life. It begins at the head and progresses downward. A jaundiced baby's skin will appear yellow first on the face, followed by the chest and stomach, and finally, the legs. It can also cause the whites of an infant's eyes to appear yellow.

Since many babies are now released from the hospital at 1 or 2 days of life, parents should keep an eye on their infants to detect jaundice.

A simple test for jaundice is to gently press your fingertip on the tip of your child's nose or forehead. If the skin shows white (this test works for all races) there is no jaundice; if it shows a yellowish color, you should contact your child's doctor to see if significant jaundice is present.

At the doctor's office, a small sample of your infant's blood can be tested to measure the bilirubin level. The seriousness of the jaundice will vary based on your child's age and the presence of other medical conditions.


In mild or moderate levels of jaundice, by 5 to 7 days of age the baby will take care of the excess bilirubin on its own. If high levels of jaundice do not clear up, phototherapy - treatment with a special light that helps rid the body of the bilirubin by altering it or making it easier for your baby's liver to get rid of it - may be prescribed.

More frequent feedings of breast milk or formula to help infants pass the bilirubin in their stools may also be recommended. In rare cases, a blood exchange may be required to give a baby fresh blood and remove the bilirubin.

If your baby develops jaundice that lasts more than a week, your doctor may ask you to temporarily stop breastfeeding. During this time, you can pump your breasts so you can keep producing breast milk and you can start nursing again once the condition has cleared.

If the amount of bilirubin is high, your baby may be readmitted to the hospital for treatment. Once the bilirubin level drops, however, it is unlikely it will increase again.

The cause of jaundice must be determined before treatment can be given. Prescribed therapy is to be followed to treat the underlying cause. Treatment of jaundice depends upon an individual case. In most cases, it is treated with antibiotics, a mild case usually resolves on its own. The disease leaves a lot of weakness in its wake and thus recuperation may take a long time. Generally, the best way to treat jaundice is to correct the underlying cause; the exact remedy depends on the nature and severity of the case.

- Drink 6-8 glasses of water a day
- Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables (especially green leafy vegetables)
- Juice is good (make your own with a juice machine)
- Do not drink coffee, alcohol, soda pop, other junk food drinks
- Do not eat processed foods white sugar, white flour, etc.
- Use stress relief like going for walks in the park
- Brown rice and millet are good
- Avoid red meat and animal fats
- Reduce dairy products cheese, milk, and others
- Fast a few days a month
- A colon intestinal cleansing is helpful
- Get sleep
- Exercise light to moderate amounts eg. yoga and stretching are good
- Do not smoke and avoid second hand smoke

Jaundice of pregnancy

Most of the diseases discussed previously can affect women during pregnancy, but there are some additional causes of jaundice that are unique to pregnancy.

Cholestasis of pregnancy
Cholestasis of pregnancy is an uncommon condition that occurs in pregnant women during the third trimester. The cholestasis is often accompanied by itching but infrequently causes jaundice. The itching can be severe, but there is treatment (ursodeoxycholic acid or ursodiol). Pregnant women with cholestasis usually do well although they may be at greater risk for developing gallstones. More importantly, there appears to be an increased risk to the fetus for developmental abnormalities. Cholestasis of pregnancy is more common in certain groups, particularly in Scandinavia and Chile, and tends to occur with each additional pregnancy. There also is an association between cholestasis of pregnancy and cholestasis caused by oral estrogens, and it has been hypothesized that it is the increased estrogens during pregnancy that are responsible for the cholestasis of pregnancy.

Pre-eclampsia, previously called toxemia of pregnancy, is a disease that occurs during the second half of pregnancy and involves several systems within the body, including the liver. It may result in high blood pressure, fluid retention, and damage to the kidneys as well as anemia and reduced numbers of platelets due to destruction of red blood cells and platelets. It often causes problems for the fetus. Although the bilirubin level in the blood is elevated in pre-eclampsia, it usually is mildly elevated, and jaundice is uncommon. Treatment of pre-eclampsia usually involves delivery of the fetus as soon as possible if the fetus is mature.

Acute fatty liver of pregnancy
Acute fatty liver of pregnancy (AFLP) is a very serious complication of pregnancy of unclear cause that often is associated with pre-eclampsia. It occurs late in pregnancy and results in failure of the liver. It can almost always be reversed by immediate delivery of the fetus. There is an increased risk of infant death. Jaundice is common, but not always present in AFLP. Treatment usually involves delivery of the fetus as soon as possible.

Acne (Pimples on Face)

It is the most disturbing problem at puberty when the young persons of both sexes, see pimples appearing on their face. If plucked/broken, blood/pus out from pimply eruptions which leave back black scars on the face. Skin's sebaceous glands get activated due to hormonal activity. If skin is too much oily more lubricant is released due to hyperactivity of glands, which, in turn, infects and blocks hair follicles. The young persons arc advised not to break/squeeze the erupted spots, otherwise the infection will spread to the surrounding areas (of tissues). If acne persists even beyond pubelty, professional help will be needed. Persons with oily skin are more likely to suffer from severe infection.

Ayurvedic Remedies

Lemon, Lavender, Bergamot, Geramium are most effective herbs which should be used according to skin condition. Any one of the oils, depending on skin sensitivity of a person, should be used in some vegetable base oil. You can choose from coconut oil or grapeseed oils as base oils, If irritation persists or if there is some other reaction, at once stop further use of the oil. Only 1-2% essential oil should be used in a carrier oil.

Infusion of herbs, such as Hazel, Marigold, Elder flower, Lavender will cleanse the skin and astringency. Bedrock is a great tissue cleanser, encourages removal of waste matter from the skin through the blood supply. Use its root in the decoction and leaves for infusion. Take 3 TBSP thrice a day, which will first stir up the skin, and then improve the condition.
Red clover, Cone Flower or Dandalion may be used to aid resistance, immune stimulancy. If these herbs are used together, it will have multiple benefits but total quantity used must not exceed 3 TBSP a clay. Infusion of Red clover can also be applied locally over and then washed with water.


An advice to the elders that they should not pass uncharitable and disturbing remarks or even negative comments to let the young adolescents feel inferior or slighted. Do not ever criticize them nor run them down. Nine out of ten adolescents pass through acne problem and there is nothing unusual in it. It should be taken in normal stride. In all cases, high standards of personal hygienic, balanced diet, congenial environs, gay and happy mood will go a long way in paving the way for quicker recovery. Use of alcohol, tobacco, drugs, strong spieces must be ensured. Keep the bowels clean, inhale natural fresh air and daily jogging, participate in games, keep away from tension and worries. If you can do this much, you will help yourself to quicker recovery, even with minimum medication.

Influenza (Flu)

What is Influenza?

Influenza is an acute, highly contagious disease caused by an RNA virus of the orthomyxoviridae family. It is commonly known as the flu or the grippe. This disease in most common in October and May. It lasts from three to five days and can be followed by fatigue for two or three weeks.

It is characterised by a runny nose, sore throat, headache, fever and aching muscles and joints. The flu is very easily spread from one person to other through infected droplets coming from infected person's coughs or sneezes. It can also be spread through direct contact with infected people.

Influenza is an illness, generally caused by viruses that infect the respiratory tract. Compared with most other viral respiratory infections, such as the common cold , influenza infection are the most serious one.

What Are The Causes Of Influenza?

The influenza is caused by three types of viruses - influenza A, B and C. Influenza types A and B are responsible for the respiratory disease that occurs almost every winter. Influenza type C usually causes a very mild disease often without symptoms.

This virus usually passes from one person to other through airborne transmission (i.e., sneezing or coughing). But, the virus can also live for a short time on objects (on which infected droplets landed) - such as door knobs, pens, pencils, keyboards, telephone receivers, and eating or drinking utensils.

Therefore, flu can also be spread through touching surfaces on which infected droplets landed or has been handled by someone infected with the virus and then touching it to your open parts like - mouth, nose, or eyes. Influenza virus may also be spread by inhaling droplets that have been coughed or sneezed out by an infected person.


Some people often confuse flu with a common cold - seeing the initial symptoms which are usually common in both, but flu symptoms tend to develop quickly and are more severe than the typical sneezing and stuffiness of a cold .

Influenza usually comes on suddenly and its Symptoms may include:

Fever (38° C to 40° C).
Muscle and Body Aches.
Loss of Appetite.
Tiredness (can be extreme).
Runny Nose.
Nausea which may also be accompanied with vomiting.
Ear Infection.

These symptoms are usually referred to as "flu-like symptoms."

Some of the Common Home Remedies are given below: 

Get Vaporized - Plugging in a vaporizer and resting in bed for atleast two days can make you feel better. It can also help relieve a painful sore throat and loosen dried mucus.

Drink Lot of Water - Drink lots and lots of water everyday. Especially, when you are suffering from flu then your body gets dehydrated more easily, so drinking more liquid is very much essential - liquids in the form of water, fruit juice, decaffeinated soft drinks can be taken.

Long Pepper - Long Pepper is one of the best known home remedies for the treatment of influenza. Suffering patient may be given half a teaspoon of powder of long pepper, mixed with two teaspoons of honey and half a teaspoon of juice of ginger - This mixture should be taken thrice daily, till you see some improvement.

Gargle with Salt Water - To relieve a sore throat, a main symptoms of influenza - the person may gargle with salt water, prepared by mixing one teaspoon of salt in one glass of luke warm water.

Onion and Honey - Suffering patient may be given mixture of equal amounts of onion juice and honey. One teaspoon of this mixture can be given to the person, three to four times daily.

Vitamins and Minerals - Vitamins and Minerals - especially Vitamin C and Zinc are very good for treating influenza, they also boost your immune system and also increase number of while blood cells in your body, to help you fight with germs more effectively.