Sleeplessness [ INSOMNIA ]
This means less sleep or disturbed sleep or lack of sleep. According to ayurveda, the amount of sleep you need depends on your mind-body constitution or body type. People with Kapha constitution need the most sleep - about eight or nine hours in order to feel rested. Pittas are next, with a need of seven to eight hours. For Vatas six to seven hours of sleep should be enough.
Also what stage of life are you in determines the hours of sleep required. For small babies can sleep as much as 15 or 16 hours out of every 24. Children frequently sleep 10 hours or more. At the other extreme, elderly people rarely enjoy a sound, unbroken sleep of more than four or five hours.
According to Ayurveda childhood to be the Kapha stage of life. Adulthood is Pitta time, and old age is the Vata stage of life. So the same principle applies here as with body types: we need the most sleep during the Kapha stage, the least during Vata time.
We need: Our sleep needs are largely determined by your Ayurvedic body type :
- Vata type = 6-7 hours
- Pitta type = 7-8 hours
- Kapha type = 8-9 hours
Mainly from ayurvedia point of view insomnia has two main causes
- Vata aggravation :
Vata governs movement everywhere in the body. An unbalanced Vata creates the environment conducive to the initiation of insomnia - the inability to sleep well. Anxiety, worry, fear, and restlessness are the main signs of Vata aggravation. Each of these can also cause disturbed Vata. Stress, excessive exercise or sexual activity for your body type, eating a too- light diet, fasting, staying up late all create agitation in the central nervous system and throw Vata out of balance. One does not need to have a Vata body type to have an aggravated vata.
- Disturbed lifestyle :
Due to whatever reason when you break your own regular habit patterns, you are prone to get. As for examples crossing time zones when traveling or staying up late working several nights in a row. These disturbances in our daily routine puts us out of order and it seems we cannot get back into our usual rhythm and then can't seem to get back into the same pattern.
According to ayurveda nature also has its own rhythm. The natural cycles run through phases of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. We are healthiest when we organize our lives in tune with nature's rhythms.
Both of these causes - vata aggravation and disturbances of routine - can easily be corrected by Ayurvedic methods and treatment, herbal preparations. Yoga, breathing exercises, dietary pattern changes, oil massages, life pattern changes, distressing all help in solving this problem of sleep.
To fight against drowsiness-excess sleep try some simple steps and see and if not consult the physician.
This is for kapha type people :
- Aviod sweets, dairy, refined flour products like pasta, white bread, sphaghetti and other wheat products, and meat. Eat a diet that is lighter.
- Take warm food. Use less oil, dairy, and sugar for everyday meals.
- Spicy food, such as Indian or Mexican, is good for you. But stay away from deep-fried or cheese-laden choices.
- For curbing your appetite take salads at intervals which is good.
- At any mealtime start each meal with half a teaspoon of grated ginger mixed with lemon juice and a very little salt.
- Avoid rich, creamy desserts.
- Get some vigorous exercise for at least half an hour every day during the Kapha period of the morning, between 6:00 and 10:00 A.M.
- Take Ginger tea in the morning and late afternoon is good.