Our cardiovascular system is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body by the heart and blood vessels. Arteries carry oxygen to tissues and organs. The largest of these, called the aorta is where the blood leaves the heart. Blood is carried from the arteries to what is called arterioles. An exchange takes place in what is called the capillaries, where waste products are processed. Through a network of veins this blood is then sent back to the heart, where it is sent back to the lungs, and there fresh oxygen is picked up. Then again back to the heart, where the process starts over. None of this process can be accomplished without the required blood pressure.
Several organs help to control this pressure. These are the heart, the arteries, and the kidneys. As long as these organs stay healthy, and in good shape, basically there will be no problem with the flow of blood (blood pressure). But once the heart has to work harder because of “faulty plumbing”, the arterial walls may have last some elasticity or may have become narrow. This can and usually will impair blood flow. Also, if kidneys fail to perform their so-called designated function, one of which is to regulate sodium levels in the body, this in turn will cause the body to retain fluids. As a consequence, again the flow of blood may be negatively affected. If the pressure is consistently high, this usually indicates that the disease is present.
One way to control high blood pressure is to first keep track of the level of pressure in the blood flow. A sphygmomanometer is a small piece of medical equipment that is used to measure a person’s blood pressure. An inflatable cuff is wrapped around the upper portion of the arm. Through the use of an air pump and a measurement that uses mercury, it will determine whether the pressure is within a safe range.
The first reading is the systolic pressure, which is the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts, and releases the blood into the aorta. The second number is the diastolic pressure, indication how much pressure is in the arteries as blood flows into the heart. The systolic number is written over the diastolic. A normal or healthy reading would probably read 120/80 mmHg. A high range would fall around 140/90.
Many outside influence affect these blood pressure numbers. Lifestyle is probably one of the main influences. Caffeine and nicotine are well known culprits that can raise a person’s pressure. Alcohol is another influence that may decrease blood pressure flow.
Some ways to help prevent this condition involve regular exercise, stress management, healthy eating, weight control, quitting nasty habits such as smoking, and watching sodium intake. If such changes in lifestyle and preventive measures don’t work, then a program of medication will probably be required, some of which include beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, alpha blockers, and diuretics.