Stomach trouble cause by hyper acidity :- Some people suffer stomach illness due to an increase pain in hyper acidity. A common disease in which a person with slow digestive system can easily get into trouble stomach. Medical experts made some research for medicines to cure such illness. Restoration of any healthy gastrointestinal function and ecology is essential to the management of virtually all health problems. Almost every chronic illness or disease has some relation to or basis in gut physiology. The digestive system is a major immune system organ, with an estimated 40-70% of defense activity taking place in the gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Many times this tissue becomes chronically inflamed by a condition called “leaky gut syndrome.” auto-intoxication occurs—this process allows toxins from the gut to be carried into the portal blood, virtually “marinating” the body with toxic wastes. This causes a myriad of systemic problems in the digestive system and throughout the entire body. This abnormal intestinal permeability is associated with toxic reactions. who wrote The Four Pillars of Health, through laboratory testing estimates that this syndrome effects more than 70% of patients suffering from chronic fatigue, and 80% of patients with reactive arthritis have this same issue. We see many clients in clinic that have been diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Diverticulitis, Acid Reflux/Hyperacidity or chronic and severe Constipation and/or Diarrhea. Most of these patients have struggled with the standard Western Medicine testing and treatment of gut disturbances and still complain of severe symptoms. In most cases nothing will have been detected through testing, or if they have been diagnosed, no treatment has been effective. In supporting the regeneration of the gut from of all of these gut disturbances, we take many steps with clients including reducing the stress-induced over-stimulation of the nervous system, reduce toxic chemical exposure, alcohol, over-the-counter medications, and dietary implications that are in large part causing severe inflammation. In these cases, nutritional supplementation, homeopathic/spagyric and biologic remedies, and Chinese herbology and acupuncture are required support with all gut disturbances. The removal of some foods in your diet during part of the regeneration time is always part of this process (food sensitivity testing) in order to keep inflammation and irritability in the gut under control while nutritional and biologic medicinals are working to help repair the gut. Treatment protocols do differ depending upon the length of the illness, the persons’ ability to restructure their lifestyle, and their commitment to their remedies and nutritional recommendations. Acidity is a problem that occurs very frequently; so going in for medications every time doesn’t seem to be a very good idea. A better alternative is to go in for acidity home remedy treatment. Home remedy for acidity is natural and therefore is absolutely safe for the human body.
Below are presented a few acidity cure home remedies:
- Consume a small piece of jaggery after having all three meals and see what wonders it can do to keep acidity away.
- Take a cup of water and boil it. Add 1 tsp of Aniseed (Saunf) to the water and leave it overnight. On the next morning, filter the water and add 1 tsp of honey to it. Drink it thrice a day and bid goodbye to acidity.
- Take a cardamom and a clove and powder it. Consume it like a mouth freshener after having your each meal. Not only this remedy will take care of your acidity problem, but also will keep away bad breath.
- Take about 1-½ liters of water and add 1 tsp Caraway seeds (shah jeera) to it. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. Drink it while warm at least 2-3 times a day for 5-6 days.