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Cold and Cough

One of the most commonly found communicable diseases are cold and cough. This is characterized by running nose, sneezing, headache, malaise (general weakness), low fever, sore throat, insomnia (sleeplessness), lethargy, and so on. This disease mostly affects children or aged people whose immune system is weak. It does not mean that youngsters or middle-aged do not get this disease. Intake of cold items, fried foods, sweets, pastries, cool drinks and so on in the chill weather, or during the nights can cause cold & cough. Sometimes, cold or cough is a result of air or water pollution.

Prevention is better than cure. It is always better to keep away from the food that is not recommended for our health. If you know that you are allergic to any food you love, it is wisdom not to take it and then suffer. You may be infected with cough and catch cold when there is a change in the season. Even when you are affected by these, there is no need for you to panic and rush to a doctor or take an antibiotic. There are few recommended and positive age-old remedies to treat the cold & cough. The ingredients needed for the treatment are not costly and are available right inside your kitchen.

Few remedies are listed down for treating cold & cough :

  1. A teaspoon of ginger juice with half a teaspoon of honey, when taken thrice a day cures cold & cough.

  2. Mixture of half a cup of warm water with one teaspoon of honey and lemon juice each, when taken would relieve you of cold & cough.

  3. Mix the powder of the equal amounts of cardamom, ginger powder, cinnamon, and black pepper with powdered sugar of total amount, and take a teaspoon with honey till the cold & cough are relieved.

  4. A small piece of fresh ginger should be chewed with half a pinch of salt.

Cold water - Water Therapy

There is one very effective method of counteracting your intake and breaking down its harmful effects. It is not only a reconditioner of the liver and kidneys, where most harm is done by prolonged drinking, it is a health aid in itself and dates back as far as the origins of Wu Shu, although variations of it have long been practiced all over the world with varying degrees of faith. It is the simple process of drinking a certain amount of pure water under certain conditions and at a certain time, known to the Chinese as water therapy.
Rather than attempt an explanation of my own, the following is a fairly faithful, if quaint, translation from an original Chinese document, in turn translated from a paper published by the Japanese Sickness Association in 1975. It turned up in Manila and copies were handed out to Chin Wu pupils with strong recommendations for its application during early morning practice of Pa Tuan Tsin. This is bow the copy reads:
‘This that follows is a Chinese translated copy of Water Therapy which was taken from a paper written by a Japanese author whose name is not known to me. I found the salutary and curative effects of this therapy not only by my personal experience, but also by those who know t ‘ he treatment and were applying it without any let-up. I am inspired to translate this Chinese copy into English with the aim of giving it to those who have not conic across this knowledge -of God-given therapy, especially to the poor who cannot afford modern medication. This therapy cures at absolutely no expense except that of our faith and perseverance.’
The paper then went on to repeat a story which is reputed to have taken place long ago, and was apparently passed on by a very old but robust Chinese peasant. Some Chin Wu instructors, more from romantic imagination, I suspect, than from evidence, placed the events at ‘more than a thousand years’ ago. The full account is far too long and flowery to include here, but the following is a condensed version:
‘For a long time I had been ill. I was unable to perform the smallest tasks. The fields and streams, the trees on the mountain, the plumage of the peacock had lost their colour. Day for me was night and night was day. Grasshoppers did not sing, nor linnets. No flower opened. Then, a man came to the door of my hut and asked for rice. He was old, he said, but his body was young and he journeyed for the love of journeying and lived for the love of living.
I gave him rice and he cut all my wood in a very short time, also mending the shingles of my roof, Before he left he told me this: ‘Tonight, eat nothing for your supper but fruit. In the morning as soon as you arise, go to the well and fill a bucket. Do not wash or eat but breathe deeply the early morning air and drink one gallon of pure water as you watch the sun come up. Do this every day of your life and you will never grow old. All sickness will be banished and you will find new life.’ Then he went on his way, strongly along the path. ‘Next morning I did as he had told me to. At first I found discomfort to drink so much. Many times I drained the cup. Many times I urinated and cleared my bowels. I felt a dizziness but still I drank. My conjee that morning tasted more delicious than ever before. After one week I could drink all the water easily. I urinated only twice, my motions were normal and my head was clear. I quickly became well again and I have never been ill since, not even with cold or fever. This happened thirty years ago when I was forty. Every day, I have taken the water without exception and everyday is new to me and better than the one that went before. Now I live for the love of life and journey for the love of journeying. I tell this story to all who will listen..’ That is the gist of the document that created so much interest in the Chin Wu School in 1975.
The writer goes on to say: ‘Such claims for the drinking of water seem unbelievable and inconceivable, but facts prove it to be reliable and recommendable. Drinking sufficient quantities of water at one time renders the colon more effective in forming more fresh blood, known in medical terms as hematopoiesis. This is made possible by the function of the mucosa folds found in the colon and intestine. These folds absorb the nutrients from food taken by our bodies and turn them into new blood.
Due to insufficient exercise of the colonic tract, man feels exhausted, becomes sick and finds his ailments hard to cure. Adult human beings have colons (or large intestines) eight feet long, capable of absorbing the nutrients taken by us several times a day. This nutrition is completely absorbed by the mucosa folds which in turn prevent or cure our ailments and are considered a principal power in the improvement of our health. Water therapy completely flushes this vital system in regular cycles, thoroughly cleansing the mucosa folds where dangerous waste otherwise gathers and remains. in other words, applying water therapy will make us healthier and prolong our mortal lives.’
The paper then claims that water therapy as prescribed in the story ‘deterred or benefited’ the following complaints:
Headache, hypertension, anacmia, rheumatism, Bell’s palsy, obesity, arthritis, tinitus, tachycardia, asthciiia.
Cough ‘ asthma, bronchitis, pulmonary tuberculosis.
Meningitis, hepatic diseases, aropathies.
Hyperacidity, dysentery, rectal prolapse, constipation, hacmorrhoids, diabetes.
Opthalmic haemorrhage.
Irregular menstruation.
Uterine cancer.
Cancer of the breast.
1. Rhinitis.
2. Laryngitis.’
The full claims of this unusual document are, of course, open to a great deal of speculation. Medical experts would most certainly question the variety of diseases it is said to repel. But the simple fact that no other liquid is known to be more widely beneficial or totally essential to mankind than plain water cannot be disputed. It is not only a reconditioner of the liver and kidneys, where most damage is done by over- indulgence, it is a health aid in itself. Plain, unadulterated water is as free and available to most people as oxygen. We have always known. water to be good for us - which is probably why we stop drinking it as soon as we can when we are kids. We seem to associate it with washing our necks and invasion of that very private territory behind the ears.
Drinking large quantities of fresh, cool water by choice is fairly unexciting to some and its lack of popularity is not hard to understand when we consider the competition it has. The drinking tap is surrounded by so many persuasive alternatives. Even forgetting the addictive everyday drinks we are more or less forced to consume, there are multitudes of’health drinks’, flavoured and preserved milk combinations, canned fruit juices, bottled essences, powdered mixtures ... so many things to mix with your water that the thought of drinking it on its own seems decidedly old- fashioned. Many of us go to our final resting place having never been closer to a regular water intake than cleaning our teeth and swallowing pills.
I have been practicing water therapy for the past three years, until it has become as much a part of my daily exercise routine as. the air I breathe. I can honestly report that, apart from the initial discomforts mentioned, I have enjoyed excellent health, despite my several daily pints of beer, dinner wines and nightcaps.
The procedure is simple. Boil 3.5 litres of water in a receptacle kept strictly for the purpose (so as to avoid impurities). Allow it to cool overnight and drink it during your first half hour of awakening. If you are lucky enough to have a schedule that will allow you to exercise on rising, then it should be drunk as explained on page 64. If not, get it down any way you can during your normal morning preparations.
For the first few mornings, you will probably find it too much to cope with. it may make you slightly dizzy or give you a touch of headache. it will certainly loosen your bowels in a hurry, probably several times. Don’t worry, it should if it’s working. You will also urinate frequently and fully for an hour or two.
if you cannot consume the full quantity, drink as much as you feel you can and increase on following days. Do not worry if you vomit at first, it is only pure water. You should try to reach at least 1.5 litres with ease within the first week and 2.5 litres by the second. You may wish to ask your doctor what he considers your particular intake should be and his opinion of the treatment in your case,
If you decide to try water therapy, it is vitally important that you do not miss a morning and therefore break the cycle. After three or four weeks, you will find it as much a part of your ablutions as visiting the bathroom.
Do not put the water in the fridge. Drink it warm rather than very cold. if you believe in nothing else, you will find that you can take your usual intake of alcohol with less effect, hangovers will be a thing of the past and you will know that your liver and kidneys are being thoroughly taken care of. Water therapy is not an essential part of Pa Tuan Tsin but the drinking of sonic water, however little it may be, is strongly recommended during the exercise period.

Skin Diseases & Allergy

Virechana is medicated purgation therapy, it is the cleansing of the Pitta and the purification of the blood toxins from the body that are accumulated in the liver and gallbladder; it completely cleanses the gastro-intestinal tract. It is a safe procedure without side effects. Generally, it is administered three days after the Vamana treatment but this may vary. If Vamana therapy is not needed, Virechana can be administered directly after purvakarma. Virechan cleanses the sweat glands, small intestine, colon, kidneys, stomach, liver and spleen. A number of effective and safe herbs can be used as a laxative. This includes sennsalt, castor oil, raisins and mango juice. When taking these laxatives, it is important to adhere to restricted diet. Benefits of Virechana help root out skin diseases, chronic fever, piles, abdominal tumors, worms, gout, jaundice, gastrointestinal problems, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, diabetes, asthma, headaches, elephantiasis and gynecological disorders. This karma mainly aims to eliminate doshas that cannot be removed by Vamana karma such as the kidneys, lungs and sweat glands. This elimination process of vitiated doshas through rectum is called Virechana. The drugs used for virechana karma (purgation therapy) vitiate the doshas and bring them into the koshta (abdomen). Purgative drugs are dominant in earth and water elements and have downward movement. The synonyms of virechana are rechan and praskandhan.

Procedure of Virechana The patient should be first subjected to Oleation , Fomentation , Emisis and Samsarjana Karma (post operative) as described earlier. Then start internal Oleation for 3 to 7 days. Followed by medicated Steam bath for 3 days.

A day before Virechana light and warm diet is advised.

Purgative drug should be administerted after 7.00 a.m. i.e : after completion of "Kapha kala" (time).

Administer the standard drug formulations, for producing Virechana.

Factors like disease state, bodymind constitution, age, state of Dosa , person time and mental condition needs to be taken in to consideration.

Hot water in small quantity and "Yastimadu" Phanta is to be given at regular intervals, to induce bouts, while cold water is absolutely contra - indicated.

Following are the diseases for which Virechana karma treatment can be given

  1. The Division of Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology continued to consolidate and expand its operations. The Division moved its offices to a new facility located in the Marion Davies Children’s Center 12-430 which allowed for the first time, the faculty members to share the same office space. Important highlights of this year include the establishment of the Jeffrey Modell Diagnostic Center for primary immune deficiencies at UCLA. We are proud to be designated as a Jeffrey Modell Diagnostic Center, the only center of its kind in Southern California and one of a network of Centers of Excellence in Primary Immunodeficiency Diseases across the United States, Europe and the Middle East.

  2. The second important achievement this year was establishing a CCS Center for the care of patients with rheumatologic and related diseases under the leadership of Dr. Deborah McCurdy.

  3. The third important achievement of significance was the development of the Pediatrics Rheumatology Training Program. Dr. Alice Chang has become the first Fellow to join the program. This is in addition to the Allergy and Immunology Training Program which continues to thrive and Dr. Raffi Tachdjian is the first year fellow for 2004-05.

  4. The research activities in the Division have been growing with the establishment of research laboratories located on the B2-393 level and B2-248 – 256 of the Marion Davies Children’s Center. There was continuing clinical research activities by members of the faculty related to eczema and immune deficiencies.

Hair Problems

Until now, it has been difficult to stop hair loss and to activate new hair growth with the methods already known in Europe and the USA. Classical hair cosmetic products (which mostly contain minoxidil as the active ingredient) only show very limited effects, while medical products that use finasteride as the active ingredient are very controversial due to their dangerous side-effects, and they may only be used by men.

Hair problems are frequently symptoms of an unhealthy life style and unprofessional grooming. Alcohol, cigarettes, wrong nutrition, stress and lack of exercise lead to an over acidification of our body.

Accumulated waste products prevent cellular activity. Fewer and fewer vitamins, mineral nutrients and trace elements reach the areas in which they perform their essential tasks – the hair root! Hence, the hair starves!

This is where we intervene and tackle the problem at its “root”.

The mother cell (=birth place of our hair) can be activated through particular treatment. Hair similar substances are infiltrated all the way into the hair root. The scalp is ridded of wastes through lymphatic drainage and physical treatments.

This is how the Transport of Nutrition can be Safeguarded. Of course there are numerous other potential causes, which are responsible for hair loss.

In the course of an exact analysis of the scalp and hair roots, by a well-founded trichological consultation and the opportunity for more medical examinations, we can determine the cause of hair loss through an individually designed combination of therapies.

Every problem solving attempt requires an active cooperation and teamwork between our clients and us. Only a healthy life style and application of special hair growth promoting products to be used at home, can assure a successful therapy.

The following hair problems are easily overcome with an appropriate treatment.

  • Causes

    Poor diet, sluggish metabolism, stress, hormonal imbalance or infection can all increase cell renewal on the scalp, meaning an increase in sebum. The scales will absorb some of the excess oil, but the problem will worsen unless treated.

  • Solutions

    Brush the hair before shampooing, using a mild anti-dandruff shampoo to loosen the scales. Follow with a treatment lotion. Avoid excessive use of heat stylers. If the problem persists, consult your family doctor.

This produces tiny pieces of dead skin that flake off the scalp. The scalp can be red or itchy, and the hair looks dull.

  • Causes

    Hereditary traits, stress, shampoo residues caused by insufficient rinsing, lack of sebum, harsh shampoos, air conditioning, pollution and central heating.

  • Solutions

    Choose a moisturizing shampoo and use a conditioner with herbal extracts to help soothe the scalp.

Fine hair tends to be limp, looks flat and does not hold a style

  • Causes

    The texture is hereditary, but the problem is often made worse by using too heavy a conditioner, which weighs the hair down. Excessive use of styling products can have the same effect.

  • Solutions

    Wash the hair with a mild shampoo and use a light conditioner. Volumizing shampoos can help give body, and soft perms will make the hair appear thicker and the style fuller.

Frizzy hair results from air moisture being absorbed into the hair. The hair looks dry and lacklustre, and is difficult to control.

  • Causes

    Can be inherited or caused by rough treatment, such as too much harsh brushing or pulling the hair into bands.

  • Solutions

    When washing the hair, massage the shampoo into the roots and allow the lather to work to the ends. Apply a conditioner from the mid-length of the hair to the ends, or use a leave-in conditioner. The hair is best styled with gel, applied when the hair is wet. The hair can also be dried naturally.

Split ends occur when the cuticle is damaged and the fibres of the cortex unravel. The hair is dry, brittle and prone to tangling and can be split at the end.

  • Causes

    Over-perming or colouring, insufficient conditioning or too much brushing or backcombing. Careless use of rollers and hairpins, excessive heat styling and not having a regular trim.

  • Solutions

    Split ends can't be mended; the only long-term cure is to have them snipped off. What is lost in the length will be gained in quality. Shampoo less often and never use a dryer too near the hair or set it on too high a temperature. Try conditioners and serums that are designed to temporarily seal split ends and give resistance to further splitting.

High Blood Pressure

Our cardiovascular system is responsible for pumping blood throughout the body by the heart and blood vessels. Arteries carry oxygen to tissues and organs. The largest of these, called the aorta is where the blood leaves the heart. Blood is carried from the arteries to what is called arterioles. An exchange takes place in what is called the capillaries, where waste products are processed. Through a network of veins this blood is then sent back to the heart, where it is sent back to the lungs, and there fresh oxygen is picked up. Then again back to the heart, where the process starts over. None of this process can be accomplished without the required blood pressure.

Several organs help to control this pressure. These are the heart, the arteries, and the kidneys. As long as these organs stay healthy, and in good shape, basically there will be no problem with the flow of blood (blood pressure). But once the heart has to work harder because of “faulty plumbing”, the arterial walls may have last some elasticity or may have become narrow. This can and usually will impair blood flow. Also, if kidneys fail to perform their so-called designated function, one of which is to regulate sodium levels in the body, this in turn will cause the body to retain fluids. As a consequence, again the flow of blood may be negatively affected. If the pressure is consistently high, this usually indicates that the disease is present.

One way to control high blood pressure is to first keep track of the level of pressure in the blood flow. A sphygmomanometer is a small piece of medical equipment that is used to measure a person’s blood pressure. An inflatable cuff is wrapped around the upper portion of the arm. Through the use of an air pump and a measurement that uses mercury, it will determine whether the pressure is within a safe range.

The first reading is the systolic pressure, which is the pressure in the arteries when the heart contracts, and releases the blood into the aorta. The second number is the diastolic pressure, indication how much pressure is in the arteries as blood flows into the heart. The systolic number is written over the diastolic. A normal or healthy reading would probably read 120/80 mmHg. A high range would fall around 140/90.

Many outside influence affect these blood pressure numbers. Lifestyle is probably one of the main influences. Caffeine and nicotine are well known culprits that can raise a person’s pressure. Alcohol is another influence that may decrease blood pressure flow.

Some ways to help prevent this condition involve regular exercise, stress management, healthy eating, weight control, quitting nasty habits such as smoking, and watching sodium intake. If such changes in lifestyle and preventive measures don’t work, then a program of medication will probably be required, some of which include beta blockers, calcium channel blockers, alpha blockers, and diuretics.